Thursday 21 October 2010

Your slide shows

Here they are:

1. Devante's group
2. Rhiann's Group

Today's lesson - slideshows

We need to finish up a variety of things...

1. Put your pictures up on - add transitions and dialogue in the boxes. When you're done - call me and I'll show you how to put it on this blog.

2. Finish your Sherlcok Holmes Questions

3. Work through the remaining Photoshop Tutorials

4. Design a poster for the Sherlock Holmes film - be as creative as you can. Remember to include all the conventions - the title, main actors, director and certificate - perhaps some reviews and the credit block - that's the block of print with all the details on.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Photoshop Tutorials

You need to start working through the Photoshop tutorials. These are in the 'resources' drive (click on the question mark on the dock) in the 'Tutorials' folder and there are seven to do. They are all between about 4 - 10 minutes long. Each one covers a few key skills in Photoshop.

All the photographs used in the tutorials are in the folder for you to use.
You must use Headphones.

You need to work through each one, preferably copying what I do in the tutorial for yourself as you go along. 

MAKE SURE you copy and save the images into YOUR documents area so the originals are there for everyone and are not written over.

If you already know the skill covered in the tutorial, please still follow it through so you're sure you have covered everything in it.

If you get stuck at any time, just ask for my help.

Mrs T

Tuesday 12 October 2010